Built-in view classes

class feedback_form.views.FeedbackView

The base view class from which most custom contact-form views should inherit. If you don’t need any custom functionality, and it is inherited from the FeedbackBaseView class.

You can also use it as-is (and the provided URLConf, feedback_form.urls, does exactly this).

class feedback_form.views.FeedbackBaseView

The base view class from which most custom contact-form views should inherit. If you don’t need any custom functionality, and are content with the default ContactFormBase class.

This is a subclass of Django’s FormView, so refer to the Django documentation for a list of attributes/methods which can be overridden to customize behavior.

The following standard (from FormView) methods and attributes are commonly useful to override (all attributes below can also be passed to as_view() in the URLconf, permitting customization without the need to write a full custom subclass of this class):


The form class to use. By default, will be ContactForm. This can also be overridden as a method named form_class(); this permits, for example, per-request customization (by inspecting attributes of self.request).


A str, the text, which displayed to user, after successful form submission. By default, will be “Message is sent successfully”.


A str, the name of urlpattern to redirect to after successful form submission.


A str, the template to use when rendering the form. By default, will be feedback_form/feedback.html.