Built-in form classes

You can create your own form inherited from the Base Form class. And then pass your new class as the value of the “form_class” parameter to the FeedbackView.as_view() call.

ContactFormBase class

class feedback_form.forms.ContactFormBase

The base contact form class from which all contact form classes should inherit. It will collect name, email address and message. You can to override this class attributes:


A str, the name of the template to use when rendering the subject line of the message. By default, this is feedback_form/email_subject.txt.


A str, the name of the template to use when rendering the body of the message. By default, this is feedback_form/email_template.txt.

And two methods are involved in producing the contents of the message to send:


Returns the body of the message to send. By default, this is accomplished by rendering the template name specified in message_template.

Return type



Returns the subject line of the message to send. By default, this is accomplished by rendering the template name specified in subject_template.

Return type


**Subject must be a single line**

The subject of an email is sent in a header (named Subject:). Because email uses newlines as a separator between headers, newlines in the subject can cause it to be interpreted as multiple headers; this is the header injection attack. To prevent this, subject() will always force the subject to a single line of text, stripping all newline characters. If you override subject(), be sure to either do this manually, or use super() to call the parent implementation.


This method loops through get_message() and get_subject(), collecting those parts into a dictionary with keys corresponding to the arguments to Django’s mail_admins function, then returns the dictionary. Overriding this allows essentially unlimited customization of how the message is generated.

Return type



Returns the selected metadata from the request_meta. It is used if CONTACT_SEND_META_INFO is True in ‘settings’ module of the your project.

Return type


Meanwhile, the following attributes/methods generally should not be overridden; doing so may interfere with functionality, may not accomplish what you want, and generally any desired customization can be accomplished in a more straightforward way through overriding one of the attributes/methods listed above.


The dict with some meta data from HttpRequest object representing the current request. This is set automatically in __init__(), and is used if CONTACT_SEND_META_INFO is True in ‘settings’ module of the your project.